
Here is all the information you need ->

Playa Event Formatting
- Titles are limited to 50 characters long.
- Description is limited to 120 characters long.
- Do not include the playa address of your event in the description - it auto-populates.
- Use full sentences, correct spelling, and proper grammar and punctuation.
- Please do not use emojis, special characters (&@%, #, etc.), ALL CAPS, or excessive punctuation (!!!).
- We suggest you run your event blurb by your campmates and use spell check before submitting.

- There is no limit on how many playa events you submit.
- The earliest an event can be scheduled for is Sunday, August 25 @ 6pm pst.
- Submit your most important events first as a very limited number get into the WhatWhereWhen Guide.
- Event duration is limited to 12 hours.
- You can create repeating events that are held at the same time and duration each specified day. But note that if the event happens multiple times a day, like a morning and evening meditation, it will have to be two different events. Plan accordingly to maximize the possibility of being included in the book!

For more details on getting into the WhatWhereWhen guide, see the FAQ "What can I do to make sure my events get into the WhatWhereWhen guide?"

- Offers of services or goods for purchase or exchange of value (real-life examples: windsurf equipment rental; buy our NFTs to attend a talk, etc.)
- Offensive slurs or content intended to harm or offend any person or group
Names of business entities including nonprofits (real life examples: yoga studios, meditation centers, performing collectives, dojos)
- Announcing/promoting DJ lineups or bands playing albums
- Touring artists, performers, authors, coaches, yoga/reiki teachers (hint: if we google you and can immediately find your booking info or a Bandcamp account, it’s a no.)
- Consumer brand names and promotions
- Think of it as amateurs versus professionals — if your goal is to make money from your event in some manner, whether on-playa or some time in the future, it doesn’t belong here. A professional giving a performance gift without self-promotion or monetization is beautiful!
- If you are a professional performer/artist, you may not use your IRL (In Real Life) name to promote the event.
In general, promotions such as “listen to Ellie May’s newly released album” are not okay. Black Rock City is a decommodified space!
- Themed events such as “Frank Sinatra Sing-Along” or “David Bowie Listening Party” are fine, since both are likely not trying to sell albums and are probably not going to show up in Black Rock City.
- We welcome events for mature audiences, but these should not be labeled as “for kids.”
- Please be aware that your event description may be edited at the moderators’ discretion and if your event is rejected, you can adjust it to fit within the guidelines and resubmit. You are welcome to write to us at [insert Help Link] to discuss your event’s moderation.

Playa Events opens for submissions on June 20 @ 12pm pst.

The cut-off for getting into the WhatWhereWhen Guide is June 27 @ 12pm pst. This is when the submissions are exported for print. All further submissions or edits of the already submitted events will only exist online and in the API used for community created smartphone and web applications.

Submissions can still be made for input to the online Playa Events and will remain open through August 09 @ 12pm. Playa Events can also be entered into the on-playa directory during the event at Playa Info.

Revisions to your Playa Event submissions adhere to these same timelines and once the date/time is past, you can no longer revise your event.

If you do not see the End Time you want for your event, make sure to scroll all the way down the end time drop down list. The time you are looking for may be below the end of your screen.

Time limits for events are:
- 12 hour maximum for an event
- Limited to 3 hours for events at an art installation

The contact email is used for the Playa Events website only and is visible to participants. This is shared in case a participant has a question for the owner of the event. All your Playa Events communications will go to your burner profile email address.

The email notifications are no longer available. Mark your calendar for June 20, 2023 @ 12pm pst. Subscribe to Jackrabbit Speaks.

Once the events go to print for the WhatWhereWhen Guide, it is too late to delete them but you can delete your event from the online Playa Event listings or at Playa Info during the event.

You can pick up a WhatWhereWhen guide at the greeters station as you enter Black Rock City.

No, but there is a chance! If your events were submitted prior to the deadline for events to get into the WhatWhereWhen Guide there is a good chance at least one will be in the guide. You can submit as many events as you like but when submitting multiple events, make sure to submit your most important events first because not all will get into the guide.

First off, don’t cry. You can fix it! From the Playa Events page, click on “My Events”. Find the event that was rejected and see the rejection reason. You can learn more about how to successfully submit an event the first time by reviewing the Content Submission Guidelines.

To log in to Playa Events, you don't need a separate login. Use your Burner Profile to log in.

We try to list at least one event per camp or location, and depending on the space available, that number may go up to 2 or more events per camp, especially for large camps with long schedules. In the past, the rule was first come first serve. Changing this rule allows us to include twice as many camps in the printed guide. We ask that you submit your events in order of priority. It makes it easy for us to make sure your most important events have the highest chance to be printed.

Yes. After the book is finalized, we will send a notification to all who submitted events and their events were selected. Stay tuned.

The Innovation Community builds third-party applications.

Please be patient. All changes are reviewed and manually published by our moderators. During especially busy times, this may take a few days.

Pick the next best one as we are unable to add categories at this stage.

In order to be listed in Playa Events, your camp or art must be placed and publicly listed. For art and camp placement, contact the Placement team at [email protected] to make sure you are publicly listed.

If your theme camp or art is publicly placed, the address will automatically be populated based on the approval process it went through for the BRC event. BRC theme camp and art address information is only available once the event has started.
If the location of your event is not placed, you can still manually enter the location of the event in the form by selecting “Other” for the location and typing in the location.

Time limits for events are:
- 12 hour maximum for an event
- Limited to 3 hours for events at an art installation

In prior years, we had a print description field and a description field which created some confusion. We have simplified and now there is now only one field for description, used for online and print.

This is an old question that will be removed from the submission page in the future as it is becoming obsolete. Not all camps are pre-placed. If you’re doing an event at a camp that doesn’t have a location until the gates open, this is how you’d let people know where the event was. You would update the location at Playa Info. But generally camps are now pre-placed and in the drop down list.

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